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2014. Estonia (Tallinn)

We're everywhere Our lovely tourguide with a striking Irish accent Russian orthodox church "I am biology" JAMBOLIJA Što je džabe... Punk's not dead In Vrečki se sviđa ovo This lives in my house now Maritime museum OUT SOON How does one lose their hairbrush behind a concrete hall is beyond me - imprisoned Same trams as in Belgrade Citysex Looks like bitterballen, is mozarella Bratstvo i jedinstvo Jägala Her ghost in the bog Her ghost in the bog This dude owns Magu, the tourguide Abandoned soviet submarine base So Belgrade F Hoone Bored shitless Pudel Baar Aždaja Airship museum Somebody I used to know Patarei vanglamuuseum Patarei vanglamuuseum The graffiti didn't lie I am your Room with a view Execution chamber The promenade Beach + barbwire... Yes. Formerly Serbia köök Olde Hansa Bear sausages Estonian Open Air Museum Maritime museum Happy hour, ftw